In the movie Wedding Wars, it showed that many things such as florists, hair stylists and other stereotypical “gay” professions would come to a grinding halt. It offered a funny look at a realistic situation.
What do you think will happen if one day all of us were to just call in “gay” and refused to return to work until we get equal rights? We are everywhere and some of us are rather influential! I think if all of us were to call in “gay," the world just might come to a grinding halt. Or is this wishful thinking on my part? Maybe our straight allies would want to join us?
Just a hypothetical question. Be creative! Be funny! Be rude if you must! Just be true to yourself when answering this question. And finally, PLEASE keep your Jesus off my Pen*s
What would happen to the world if all of us called in “gay" until we get equal rights?
LOL I'll do that tomorrow and tell you what happens. Knowing my boss he'll be fine with it, hell he lets me stay home if i have menstrual cramps. LOL
Reply:Well if we were to look at the statistics of the population ---
8-12% of the population is gay
10-15% of the population is bi
15-25% add to that the gay/bi friendly population
as low as 33% and as high as 52% of the work force could be off work for say a week.
"Purple Flu" ? That would be intriguing. Now if you could pull it off so that it was a rolling process from one industry to another to another cumulating in a full week with everyone in all industries THAT would make an impact.
What would happen. Well at the very least we as a community would be seen as a power to be recconded with both socially and politically.
Reply:nothing, I think there are really to few of us to really make a big dif.
Reply:I think many of us would be out of a job when we do come back.
Reply:wouldn't be no airplanes me on that one......
Reply:You think the show "Bridezillia" is funny, just WAIT until someone tells nearly every spoiled little Daddy's girl like that her hair dresser, florist, wedding cake and gown aren't going to be there for the big day. I'd be more afraid of THEM than the religious right!
Or how about this:
"I'm sorry but we just can't send out your essential oils order."
"I'm calling in gay."
Reply:Have you seen "a day without a mexican"??
The whole thing would come to a screeching halt.
Think of the added pressure from 'sympathizers"
" I can't come into work today, I've got GAY" LMAO
I seriously hope ya'll get that marriage thing, EVERYONE should be able to enjoy the HELL that marriage CAN be LOL
Reply:A lot of folks would find themselves out of a job when they many people think that it is a disease/choice...if you had to, you could threaten to make them gay if you don't get your job back...Stupid people actually think it's a choice!
Reply:Wow...this really makes you think. In my mom's profession...I can't even imagine. She is an attorney. She does criminal defense, and family law. If she just decided to call in "gay" until we got equal rights....soooooooooo many people's lives would be affected!!! I think a lot of people in our community would follow her example, and then our community would fall apart. Currently, I work at her office and if I called in "gay" the office might just kind of completely fall apart. Wow...I really liked your question!!!
Reply:Hey, let us know where and when... I'm in!!
It wouldn't be only "florists" and such... Gay people make up a large part of many organizations... doctors, lawyers, airline pilots, truck drivers, etc... so this country would be more than screwed... And not only in the floral industry, lol.... I think it's a fabulous idea!! I say do it, and worry about the "consequences" later... You can't weigh every pro and con and then scare yourself into backing out.... sometimes, when something is important enough to you, you just have to jump in with both feet and DO IT... like the Nike commercial says.... You can't sit on the fence about it... Either you care or you don't... no in between...
We need to set a date.....
Reply:The problem is, half the people wouldn't admit they ARE gay, therefore, they wouldn't call in.
Reply:Hey, I'm straight, but i would do it lust to see what happens. Interesting thought... I LOVE IT~seing as equal rights is a long way away, lets speed up the process
Reply:*cackle* That's exactly the movie I thought of when I saw your question.
People don't realise just how great in number the lgbt community is. That's not even counting the supporters who would help and shut down, if such a thing ever actually happened. One in ten. It doesn't sound like an enormous number, at first, but... Out of every ten people you pass on the street, one is lesbian, gay, or bisexual. They should look around the office, look around their group of friends, look around their church. If all those people went on strike, the world would come to a screeching half. We're everywhere! ;)
Reply:yes, I think having half the flights cancelled on a Monday, without prior notice would send a ripple through american business that would keep the media talking the rest of the week. Follow that up with a Friday or Saturday with no florists, hair dressers etc and I think we would have someone's attention.
I honestly know alot of LGBT and friendly str8s that work in call centers across the country. I think Friday would be a good day for them to call in gay.
Reply:well i dont know about you, but i have equal rights ^^ move to the netherlands, canada, or well anywhere but america tbh.
Reply:I think the world would go on just as it always has.Sure you would be noticed but nobody can stop life from continueing.It could happen but gay people are no higher than straight people so they probably wouldn't go down in history.
Reply:The world would really get messed up. I know many doctors, lawyers, teachers, cab drivers, CEOs, COOs, Mayors, Nurses, and the list goes on that Ipersonally know. It would make a huge impact. I don't think we would get equal rights but it would really make notice. But, the movie was horrible. I barely made it through the whole thing, very cheesy. I was hoping that they would have at least used real gay actors, and not been so stereotypical. I think that movie did more to hurt the cause than it did to help it.
Oh, all the negative responses, seriously you need to look around in your life, the gays are there and you interface with them everyday.
Reply:I love that idea. If there's enough gay supporters it might just work
Reply:First, Jesus is not in the answer; however, he is very important to me. WHAT IF, as my Grandfather said, IF a bullfrog had wings he would not bust his butt every time he hopped. Would the world stop, the answer is no. Why, because there are more straight people like myself then there are gays. With that said, I believe it is a shame you do not have the same rights as I do. The piece of paper my wife and I have does not make us better than you, and should not make us anymore legal then two guys or two girls. That to me is wrong. Do I think if you go to Vegas get drunk get married that they should have more rights than a gay couple should who have been together for years? The answer is no and I think it is wrong. I think gays should think of a new word for Marriage, research it, and make it your own. It can have nothing to do with any of the words used to depict a marriage today, as you said be creative.
Reply:I am not gay, but this made me laugh.
I think I am at a loss at to what "right" you are not receiving other than allowing to be married.
I don't think the world would come to a screeching halt, as there are many others in the professions that gay's have that would just get more work.
The down side is you wouldn't have an income - that would suck.
Please enlighten me if you want through email, I would like to know what other rights you feel you don't have. I am not at all being sarcastic.
"Boss, I can't come to work today"
"I'm gay."
"..Okay, well why can't you come to work?"
I bet if ALL of the gay people, or most of them did it, then it might actually help with something.. We'd end up losing our jobs but it may help a little, right? lol
Reply:first of all (not to burst your bubble mind you)strikes in the past have lasted weeks, if not months... maybe even years... we would need a union to cover wages so we could offord to strike, and not be forced into the streets and go hungry. how many people can just offord to call off work?
that being said... IF there were such a union did indeed exist, and somehow they even allowed straits to be a part (i would if allowed, if that wasnt already obvious), AND we could actually get all the gays, and strait supporters to strike at the same time and stand their ground (this would have to include those open and those in hiding due to fear of reprisal, giving us more numbers than most would probably supect) then i think there would be a serious problem with the econemy. with the numbers of wokers missing. obviously it would not just be hair sylists, florist, ect... but medical personell, police, fire, military (yes i said military) retail, and factory workers, things the world depends on for its lively hood. the word may not come to a halt, but it would surely slow down enough to ge the point across, and i would strike in support (assuming the whole union thing worked out, i do have a child to take care of). oh, and unions usually have a hand in keeping the companies from just repacing you when you strike, so they couldnt just fire us all
Reply:I'd get fired for that one. I wouldn't do it for this reason because it is nondiscriminatory and we all depend upon one another in order to provide protection to our community. Illness is one thing as is planned time off, but for this reason I wouldn't do it, unless it was one day, planned in advance, so I don't leave anybody hanging. And I'm not giving up the health insurance complete with 100% dental, eyewear, gym reimbursement, 3 weeks vacation, and accrued personal time. Still it's a good question, just not one of those concepts I could achieve without consequence.
Reply:Sounds like an immigration movie rip-off.
You can be gay, I'll just be happy.
Reply:Yuck, pardon me while I go puke.
Reply:You would not be missed. Why don't you call in gay on this forum and stay the hell off.
Reply:Its not that many gays that the world would stop plus I do my own hair....but try it and lets see...good am sorry it sounds like a bunch of future homeless people.
Reply:if all the gay people in the world went on strike until they got their " rights" a lot of gay people would become unemployed and a lot of people would stop getting bad haircuts, and thats all that would happen.
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